


Ripoff Report --- Amazon.com

The complaint started October 8, 2008 and was updated Jan. 10, 2012...it might be considered "old news" but the fact that Amazon has continued to act the way it has, as represented in the article, proves a point: Amazon is unethical.

Follow the link to the site: Ripoff Report on Amazon


My Story

This is a long story, be patient, read it all and appreciate the fact that you don't work for Amazon and if you do, I pity you.
I have to start a bit ahead of my employment with Amazon, because what led up to being hired is just as important to the story as the story itself.
As I said, it's a long one, so please read it all, so you can understand what's happened.


FAA Hits Amazon Hard on Shipping Dangerous Chemicals

The Federal Aviation Administration is proposing a $350,000 fine on Amazon.com Inc.for allegedly shipping prohibited dangerous goods by air.The proposed fine stems from a 2014 incident in which nine United Parcel Service Inc.employees came into contact with a corrosive chemical that had leaked through a shipping package and had to be treated with a chemical wash after feeling a burning sensation. The liquid leaked from a one-gallon container of “Amazing Liquid Fire,” a drain cleaner, during a flight from Louisville, Ky. to Boulder, Colo.

See rest of artical --  FAA hits Amazon Hard

Since this happened, the big shots at Amazon changed the rules about "dangerous chemicals" so that they wouldn't get into trouble again.  However accidents still happen, chemicals are still being packed, some haphazard, others the way they should be.  The way Amazon keeps track of everything packed, perhaps they should backtrack the accident ones to the packer and either retrain him or her---or "separate" them from the company.


"What are your barriers?"

Ramo is the type of person you either like or dislike, with very little wiggle room between the two.  An arrogant, pushy and mouthy person---the perfect criteria for a manager at Amazon.


"You have reached your potential..."

I'd been with Amazon for at least a good four months and watched those hired after me get some of the choice positions in AFE.  I was getting tired of that, feeling I should be able to do something else too, so about a week prior to "Black Friday" I went to my manager.


"Why did you take your gloves off?" {the bullshit starts!}

Everybody, well almost everybody has to wear gloves whilst at work at Amazon; those who really don't have to are those nitwits in Human Resources {HR} or others who don't deal with the boxes.  It is so important and Amazon and its managers insist that workers use their "personal protection" items; gloves, glasses, etc.


Amazon DOES mistreat its employees, but Amazon Spin-Doctors try to erase the stories!

From personal experience, Amazon tries to screw the employee and its work conditions are horrible and the management and owner uncaring...


Worse Than WalMart!


Amazon and Sex Toys

What the naive folks don't know about their wonderful capitalistic Amazon is that they are, possibly, the largest distributor {merchandiser} of sex toys.


"You Probably Don't Want To Work For Amazon"...

Amazon is known for its cutthroat efficiency and harsh tactics; it's what makes it possible to get a pack of toilet paper delivered to your door in less than 24 hours. But CEO Jeff Bezos' love of precision and data goes far beyond fulfilling orders and undercutting competitors' prices. It permeates every aspect of the workplace.
And ruthless optimization, unsurprisingly, doesn't make for a very supportive workplace environment. The New York Times' Jodi Kantor and David Streitfeld interviewed over 100 former and current Amazon employees for a fantastic new report out today that reveals just how bad it can get. Working at the retail giant's Seattle offices is apparently nothing like showing up to work at an idyllic Silicon Valley campus.
Employees describe a system that quantifies and analyzes every aspect of their work. Anything that the data can't pick up is revealed by informants — also known as fellow employees. 

read whole article by following the link: